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Perch Base
Officer Installation

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Congratulations to George Woods, our new Base Commander.
George took his Oath of Office at our March 13, 2021, meeting, from our now Past Commander, Howard Doyle, who has been our Base Commander since he stepped in to complete the term of Richard Kunze when he passed on to Eternal Patrol in August 2017. Thanks, Howard, for your service!

Click on any thumbnail for a larger picture.

As stated in Flash Traffic 3-3-2021, with George Woods becoming the new Base Commander, we need to fill the vacated Vice Commander office for the remainder of his term.
Nominations are now being called for and will be accepted upon the written consent of the nominee that they accept the nomination and will serve if elected.
The Secretary shall ensure all candidates are Regular Members in good standing, with the election being held at the April 10 regular Base meeting.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact any Perch Base officer.

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